速報APP / 個人化 / Little TV for Android Wear

Little TV for Android Wear





版本需求:Android 4.3 以上版本



聯絡地址:373 Rose Ave Venice, CA 90291

Little TV for Android Wear(圖1)-速報App

IMPORTANT: This app is optimized for Android Wear devices. The watchface portion is only available to Android Wear 5.0 devices! However, the App portion will work on all Android Wear devices.

It's like a Little TV on your wrist!

Quit changing your watchface to the flavor of the week. This one shows you a different animated GIF every time you check your watch! Randomly selected & updated every hour!

Little TV for Android Wear(圖2)-速報App


* App of the Week on the Wear Store for Android Wear!!

* As featured on: Androidpolice.com

Little TV for Android Wear(圖3)-速報App


* Little TV plays a random animated GIF every time you check your watch!

* New popular GIFs pushed to your watch every hour!

Little TV for Android Wear(圖4)-速報App

* Flip through unique channels: Trending, Fails, Retro, Video Games, Nature, Sexy, and more!

* All-New Holiday channel just added!

* New “Liked” channel plays only your favorite GIFs. Tap twice to “like” a GIF and add it to your list of favorites.

Little TV for Android Wear(圖5)-速報App

* Lock in a single GIF as your permanent watch face (Simply open the app on handset & deselect "random mode")

* On top of all that, it also shows you the time of the day! Amazing!

* Works on all Android Wear devices including Moto 360, LG G Watch R, Samsung Gear Live, LG G Watch, Sony Smartwatch 3 and Asus Zenwatch!

Little TV for Android Wear(圖6)-速報App


Install the app to the device (phone) that you have connected to your Android Wear device. Once installed, just long press on the watch face on your Wear device, then scroll to select "Little TV" as your active watch face.

WIFI recommended for initial installation and startup! App downloads 50 gifs on initial start. After that, data usage and storage is pretty light as it only updates a few at a time and deletes old gifs to keep the total stored at 50.

Little TV for Android Wear(圖7)-速報App


All GIFs are kindly provided by Giphy (www.giphy.com). Little Labs claims no copyright on the content provided. Please refer to http://www.little-labs.com/littletv/dmca for further information.

Bugs and feature requests

Little TV for Android Wear(圖8)-速報App

For all bug reports and feature requests, please send an email to hello@little-labs.com